8 Great Tips for Survival at Sea

Jul 26, 2017

1. Calm Down

It is normal to feel fear when you found yourself in open water but do not panic. It can cause you to cloud your judgment and make you lose proper breathing. If you can’t breathe properly, you’ll waste your energy and air in your body which is essential for your survival.

2. Choose the Right Swimming Style

Do not waste your energy trying to swim all around. Find the suitable swimming style for the right situation you’re in. When you’re in calm water, it is best to swim on your back it can help you relax, breathe evenly and save energy. When waves are splashing on you, it is best to swim on your belly, for instance breaststroke. Inhale only when your head is above the surface and exhale under. Try not to always keep your head above the water so that you can again, save your energy.

3. Find Something that Floats

There must be plenty of things floating around you when you’re in a shipwreck or an airplane crash find something and hold on to something to keep you afloat.

4. Take Care of Clothes

Do not let your naked body be expose under the sun especially for a long time, it is dangerous. If you are half-naked find something that can protect you from the sun, ideally build a tent.

5. Decide What You’ll Eat

If you have rations on you try to divide them into small daily portions so it can last long. Try to catch fish using fish rod or improvised it using a lace, a hook and can. Never eat spoiled food no matter how hungry you are.

6. Provide Yourself with Liquid

Water is much valuable than food but never ever drink salt water. Untreated rainwater can be drinkable as it is proven safe to consume for our health. Condensate using 2 containers, waterproof material and weights. Take the first container and put seawater inside. Place the second container inside and cover it with a waterproof material such as polyethylene. Put the weight above the container, then soon enough the container inside will be filled with fresh water.

7. Save Yourself Properly

Don’t row if you don’t know where you are. Don’t panic when you see a ship or some boat from a distance. Don’t try to follow it either, it is impossible to catch up on the other hand you can try to give signal using a mirror or a can as the light will reflect. Don’t signal using fire, it will endanger you and your temporary shelter. If an instance you found a fluorescein, dissolve it in water when you see an airplane or a ship. It forms a bright spot around you and can be easily seen from the air and from a far.

8. Do Not Lose Hope

Don’t give up hope for despair, it is your most dangerous enemy. Always think you are safe and that there are ways to survival.

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